Other services

Companies in other jurisdictions

We help to find suitable solutions for international business. We advise on the establishment of companies and making transactions in Europe and abroad. We offer incorporation in the following jurisdictions – Scotland (Limited Parterships), UK, Dubai, Latvia, Poland, Bulgaria etc.

Bank and FinTech accounts


Address service and virtual office

All Estonian companies must have a local registered address and if company’s board consists of non-residents only, a contact person must be appointed. We can provide our clients with a registered address and a contact person service together with a comfortable mail forwarding facility.


We provide assistance to EU citizens working or living in Estonia to acquire residency and support for entrepreneurs from all over the world to obtain Estonian e-residency. As a result the resident shall have full access to all digital services and online resources provided by Estonian Government and private sector. Obtaining an e-residency requires at least one visit.

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